Getting “avrdude: initialization failed, rc=-1″ with ATmega328 after pulled it from Arduino?

I’ve spent the entire day solving this issue :) While all ATtiny85 were responsive and happy, both ATmega328 refused to work with avrdude throwing the error below while working perfectly with Arduino. The problem was that Arduino uses a 16Mhz external crystal as chip’s clock, and chip is pre-programmed to use it. Just add a 16 Mhz crystal with two 22 pF capacitors as at picture below: And microcontroller will respond to avrdude:...

April 29, 2014

Using breadboard to program AVRs

April 27, 2014

DYI ICSP 6-pin to breadboard adapter

April 19, 2014

A nice remark on password complexity

pwgen, my favorite Linux tool to generate random passwords that can be memorized: -s, –secure Generate completely random, hard-to-memorize passwords. These should only be used for machine passwords, since otherwise it’s almost guaranteed that users will simply write the password on a piece of paper taped to the monitor… I like to see how alternative thinking in Information Security community is emerging. Good that we started to realize people are not robots, and commands and programming will never work here....

April 3, 2014

DYI Dual Microcontroller Programmer for AVR

March 25, 2014

First steps in electronics

March 19, 2014

Application Security without rose colored glasses

Read Online Download

October 10, 2012